IFA Debicheck


Secure your IFA Business with DebiCheck

What is DebiCheck?

DebiCheck is a debit order system mandated by the South African Reserve Bank and implemented by the banking industry across South Africa. DebiCheck allows you to electronically approve debit orders processed against your bank account. DebiCheck will help you grow a sustainable business. DebiCheck is mandatory for the IFA Business Opportunity. 

For new IFAs, DebiCheck is needed to ensure contracts and products are issued. Accept your DebiCheck mandate and pay the first total monthly payment to access product benefits.

  • DebiCheck enables you to verify new debit orders
  • DebiCheck ensures that the debit order is in line with expenses and safeguards you and your business from illegal debit orders
  • DebiCheck ensures that your monthly premium is deducted from your bank account so that you can enjoy continued access to IFA benefits.
  • Paid and DebiChecked products earn you bonuses
  • Each product DebiChecked in your downline  earns you 1.5 club points
  • DebiCheck  unlocks your Rewards.
  • A new application via the IFA App
  • A Point of Sale Device with an IFA Presenter
  • Via the IFA App DebiCheck
  • Utilise the DebiCheck Assist tool to kick off a mandate request for another IFA
  • For assistance, call the Clientèle call centre on 011 320 3000, or WhatsApp client services on 0861 333 000, and a friendly consultant will gladly advise you.

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